Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Trance Figuration

After a remarkable and brave performance by Katharine Mills, the final edit of Trance Figuration has been completed. The next step for this short, short, is submission to festivals beginning with the National Screen Institute Short Film Festival and the Local Focus 6 Film Festival . We will also be looking further afield as there are festivals around the world which we hope to enter, check back for more information as it becomes available!
And with no further ado, Trance Figuration has been submitted for entry to the Sundance Film Festival in the International Short Film category. Chances are slim as there are a great many submissions by outstanding film makers from around the globe but there's no harm in making the effort. We're all proud of this short and we hope it finds an appreciative audience. As we progress through with work over the next few months, we'll be be making announcements about when and where it will be available for viewing.